Financial Pillow Talk

Sunday morning, I asked my husband if we could have a finance  meeting at some point that day. He agreed and I mentally figured after lunch would be a good time. Upon returning from running errands, I found him taking a nap. When he woke up two hours later, he declared he was going to the gym. After the gym, he decided to me up with some friends. Can we say passive aggressive avoidance? 

He finally came home around 11pm when I already in bed and said “Let’s talk money!” Not what I had in mind at all! However I figured we could cover at least one topic. So he propped his laptop on a pillow and we briefly looked at his retirement accounts. He was contributing at a rate of 7% to his 401k. I encouraged him to change it to 9%; he wanted 11%. We compromised at 10% once I explained the budget ramifications of making this change. He recently received a 3% raise that goes into effect next paycheck. I’m interested in seeing how this will effect our monthly budget and my mortgage payoff plan. But it’s definitely worth the tax benefits and long term savings. 
There are still many areas of our financial lives we need to discuss! I would love for us to agree upon a monthly budget, set home maintainance goals, vacation plans and long term goals for our family. Any tips on how to make a family finance meeting happen? My husband clearly is resisting it and I want us to go in to it with positivity. What has worked for your family?