July 2016 – Review and Reflection

I did a horrible job completing the goals I set out for myself for the month of July. I could blame the two trips we took or the 4th of July holiday. However, if I am honest with myself, I simply did not focus on what I listed at the beginning of the month.

July 2016 Goals:

  1. Complete a pantry challenge and spend $450 only on food expensesFail! We spent $840.51.
  2. Declutter and organize the entire house50% success rate. I literally did 1/2 of the house and then was like “I’m relaxing for the rest of the month!”
  3. List out 6-month goals and develop plans to start working toward it – Fail! I need to do this!
  4. Create a daily routine – Fail! I also need to do this!
  5. Start exercising again to be measured by losing 5 lbs – Fail! I realized that I need to renew my gym membership! It is the only way I will actually be motivated to exercise again.

But, I wanted to share a bit of review and reflection of what I was able to accomplish this month:

  1. Read a lot of books! With my kids gone, I finally was able to read several financial books including Debt-Free Forever, Lost and Found: One Woman’s Story of Losing Her Money and Get Financially Naked: how to talk money with your honey.
  2. Completed an in-depth review my finances! From food to general expenses, I have a better understanding of where my dollars go.
  3. Developed long terms plans with the husband as well travel plans for summer 2017.
  4. Took a much needed romantic weekend trip with husband and came in under budget for the trip!
  5. Attended a family reunion and reconnected with members of my husband’s family. Sadly this trip was way over budget due to my failure to realize was included in our registration fee. Upon arrival, I was made aware that our fee only included one meal for the entire weekend. My husband and I also did not read the registration letter carefully or we would have realized that there was a fancy banquet Saturday evening. We both ended up buying outfits since we only packed t-shirts for the whole weekend.
  6. Relaxed! After a very stressful year, it was good to just be a bum for a little while.

I’d argue that July was indeed a pretty successful month! Don’t you agree?


7 thoughts on “July 2016 – Review and Reflection

  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Having goals that you’re focused on is enough sometimes. And from what I can see, it looks like you accomplished a lot in July! But if it makes you feel better, we spent $1200+ on food this month; it’s pretty much our norm at this point! 😬

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  2. re: romantic weekend – you’re majoring on the majors! As much as I love personal finance, I don’t want to ever forget that relationships are more important.

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